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Ishmael Mzwandile Soqaga, South African born writer, literary critic, essayist, poet and Pan-Africanist, has clocked the age of 40. Many literary aficionados and enthusiasts have paid glittering tribute to Soqaga (above) who has published extensively on African writers, male and female, their works, and vision. Here is a cross-section of some of the felicitations:

Lupna Avery:

Congratulations on your birthday, Mr Soqaga. I am sure lovers of books etc across Africa appreciate your contributions over the years. 40 years has such a nice ring.

Leke Giwa:

Hope you have a wonderful day. You have published extensively on African writers. I enjoy reading about you, and other prominent literary personnel on the internet.

Madolyn Chukwu:

40 years!! That is  wonderful. Mr Soqaga (South African; eh...) loves literature so much. He writes long engaging essays and profiles on books and writers. I wish him a magnificent Birthday.

Henry Ozogula:
I am so happy for Mr Soqaga. I feel so bad that I could not even send him a (physical) card, though we know it can take many weeks to get to South Africa.... Pls congratulate him for me. He is a shining man of letters who has done so much for African Writing.

TM Thiba:

Happy birthday to The Great “Dada”. As a writer myself, I appreciate his contributions. May he enjoy his birthday and God grant him more years to live and share his wisdom with the world. His (Soqaga’s) work is very beautiful indeed 

Selected books by I. M Soqaga
Promoting Quintessential African Writing

Glimpses into African Literature

Ishmael Mzwandile Soqaga

Further Glimpses into African Literature

The Growth of FS Black Literature


  1. May I congratulate Mr Soqaga too. Africa needs talented and committed men of letters like him



  4. Fecilitations Mr Soqaga 40 is a magical number.

  5. Tribute and salutations are in order. Be blessed

  6. Great for Mr Soqaga to hit 40 years of age! And we thank him for his regular contributions to African and world literature


  8. I saw the book, Glimpses into African Literature. Swift glimpses into the literature of our continent, was so happy to see the piece on Baba Amos Tutuola, and Peter Abrahams who we read in school too

  9. Congratulations again on this personal milestone. We all grew up being taught how to love reading, but few of us continue to do so (apart from newspapers I guess). I mean reading for pleasure like fiction, drama, poetry, Shakespeare and the like. Mr Soqaga has gone much further by not only appreciating general reading, but also having published so many essays, books, reviews (and of course books) on many African writers. Well done, Sir

  10. Congratulations, Mr Soqaga. How is the weather in South Africa?

  11. WE pray we all survive covid-19...Mother Africa

  12. Im bit late to congratulate you Mr Soqaga but a man of your caliber is one to be celebrated every and continue to enlighten us with a wealth of African knowledge.


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