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The moment we realized we had actually written a book, we got a shock in our veins and we started to edit and write with purpose because we realized that what we have, was now bigger than us, we were talking about love but little did we know that God was talking about us before we were born.

On this particular chapter, there is no his or hers but we are speaking as one, connected to the same source 'n breathing in the same space,

This book came as a suggestion from a dear friend of ours Mosele Mokgoetsi, reawakening a desire to turn our story into more than just a tale for our friends, and unknown to them, our families who are still in the dark to this day about how our union actually transpired. Our love story is more than just about two hearts colliding into one, or the many heartbreaks we both endured before we finally fell right into each other's loving gaze. The book is inspired by the kinda love that goes beyond the physics or the superficial attributes that we as humans in our search for love place in the way of love; a love so pure that it does not need any nudging to find its way home. God is the fullness of love, and if we have learnt anything from his love, it is freely given, with no precepts or agenda. This too is our hope for our book, that those who read it, will re-learn to love purely and freely, giving of themselves to the beat and rhythm of love. Because truly, love only comes to those who still believe and love like they have never been hurt or betrayed! Hope you find yourself in a blind kinda love real life fairytale, we were fortunate enough to experience in this lifetime.

And still to this day we always joke and say to each other: Love when are we going to tell the family that when I proposed we had honestly never met in person, all we had in our minds was a picture we saw online accompanied by a few emails, and that is the hope that has kept us alive all this time, and most of how we live and challenge life is motivated by the love stories we witnessed in our own families, all the drama, the arguments, the misunderstandings, parents seperating and ending in divorce and that has driven us to look back and allow the past to heal us and give us more direction and clarity so that we can make sound decisions when coming to dealing with what we would be facing then.

Since finding each other and realizing that we are indeed blessed to have met in this lifetime, we've learnt how to communicate fruitfully and respond to each other in a way that still says hunny I forgave you long before you apologized, so the journey of writing abkl surprised us too, because we began to see that everytime we told our story to anyone especially our friends, they simply didn’t believe us and they said its impossible, but let me tell you now, God has been walking with us since day one and for a very longtime when we were stuck in the wrong relationships we didn’t realize that God had better plans, but we kept the faith alive and miracles began to happen and this is one of them and we pray and dream to share the message in abkl, with our friends, with our family, with our colleagues, with those we've never met and those that will find healing in remain inspired with our journey, and we know that as we speak right now, someone somewhere is going through the most difficult time in their life all because of love, Our message from us to you this morning:

Whatever it is that you are going through, it is just temporary and this too shall pass, so get up and dont stay there, keep moving and all the love that you give to the universe will oneday eventually return back to you folded in envelopes that carry light love and healing. Be blessed and may Love find you, because everything that is in you is Love. 


  1. Remarkable. What a couple. A love story that will fascinate the entire world

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is really something to celebrate, a plus for African Writing. One understands Tumi (Skietreker) is a fabulous poet, and this will reflect in the book.

  4. Very tender and moving. These people are real. This is not fiction, so we can all learn from this work, male female, young and old, and irrespective of colour I think.

  5. Extraordinary. No doubt didactic and exhilarating

  6. Remarkable. What a work. Must get the book in the new year

  7. A refreshing work not to be missed

  8. Wonderful stiff, romantic stuff, yet heady reality. Twin souls?


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