Excerpts from this book: "The persistence of this trait in the gene pool makes it possible to draw parallels between major actors of early African history and their contemporary counterparts. Mali emperors were known for their extravagant pilgrimages to Mecca, not for their religious zealousness or piety. Mansa Kankan Mussa made the most extravagant pilgrimage to Mecca in African history. He (Mansa Musa) travelled to Mecca in 1325, with 500 slaves and 100 camels (each carrying gold). It is recorded that he gave away gold in enormous quantities to the amazement of all the communities and villages through which he passed. He had gotten the wealth from outrageous taxes on his subjects, levies, sale of slaves, and from enslaving other African states.... "Mansa K. Mussa has many parallels in contemporary African history. It is a known fact that some post independence African leaders looted their country even to the amazement of the...